Creating a party hat drawing like this 1 makes for a prissy little decoration – dandy for bringing in the New year.

Unlike the usual 'pointy chapeau style', here we'll tackle a peak lid, very similar to the ones you see people actually wearing on New year's Eve…

To simplify this lesson, we'll be using a simple square every bit a framework.

This will assist you maintain proportion as you sketch from top to bottom.

Let's begin…

Outset – Draw Your Party Hat Using a Simple Square Framework

A simple square is all information technology takes to mark off the centered position of your soon-to-exist political party hat drawing. Of course, a rectangle volition achieve the aforementioned goal. Use either of the 2 depending on how tall you desire your hat to exist.

Showtime with the very top, hither's how it takes shape…

Simple square framework to draw a cartoon party hat Drawing the top part of the cartoon party hat Completing a simple cartoon party hat drawing

As yous can run into, the drawing is being viewed from direct on. Simply taking things a footstep further… giving your chapeau a '3D/viewed from above' sort of look… draw a skinny ellipse at the very pinnacle of your framework to first things off. Notice how the tiptop bend of the ellipse is closer to the framework line than the lesser curve of the ellipse.

Moving along, when you get to the lower part – the brim… it might exist helpful to first mark off a few lightly sketched pencil points along the path you intend to depict. 3 should be fine. One at the farthermost left, one at the extreme right, and the third, at the extreme bottom of the bend.

Alright, one last thing to practise!…

Drawing a cartoon party hat

And Then – Add the Details

To stop off your drawing, become alee and create a simple band going across the tiptop of your party hat drawing. Then, similar to how I've done on the left, add a message to suit the occasion.

Looking up top at the finished example, you'll notice I've taken things a pace further by calculation some stars effectually the text, that and of grade – color too!

Something that may work well… after y'all've colored your hat – it might exist swell to add some glitter over elevation. It'll assistance give off that accurate 'New year's expect'.

Well, there yous have it… your party hat's complete!