
How To Get On Pr List For Makeup Companies

Susan is an internet marketing professional who regularly writes on Medium and is the author of two SEO books on Amazon.


How to Get Makeup Companies to Send You lot Complimentary Stuff

Over the past few months, I accept encountered the "$39 Experiment," and other artistic efforts to get free makeup. Thousands of people are reporting great results by contacting companies directly. They report that you don't have to participate in spammy surveys or websites to receive samples. Y'all don't even have to spend i penny writing to them either. Email and online forms work!

Here'south how to write your letter or e-mail to convince a company to send you lot samples and PR packages. These techniques work. The chances of y'all receiving samples is relatively high, provided you know who to write to. I take written to many companies and many sent me free samples and full-sized products. You lot can also get a great option of travel-size products this way.

This kind of activity has ever been kept a underground. Simply a lucky few who know that you tin go free makeup see results.

I am here to expose the truths and how to all-time tackle the letter of the alphabet!

Asking for free samples is a great way to get travel-sized products.

Asking for free samples is a peachy way to get travel-sized products.

What You'll Need

The easiest and all-time way to receive free samples is to write to the company straight. There is no need to fill out dodgy surveys or questionnaires, which ordinarily corporeality to null and should be avoided. Here is a step by pace overview of what to do:

  1. Make a list of the companies yous're interested in.
  2. Discover their addresses (email or postal) on the company website.
  3. Write out your email/alphabetic character (we'll discuss this in detail below).
  4. Ship it and await for the mail to come up!
  5. Special tips for receiving PR packages are included beneath.

Examples of Products Yous May Receive

Category Examples of Companies What Y'all Might Receive


Juara, REN, DermOrganic

Samples/full sized products of skincare products including moisturisers, cleansers or paw cream.


Bare Minerals

Middle shadows, lipstick/lipgloss.


DermOrganic, Living Proof

Whatever haircare products including shampoo and conditioners, sample sized or full sized.


Lacoste and Boss

Perfume companies nearly e'er have plenty of samples to ship for free.

Whether y'all desire the samples merely for personal use, to try in your work equally a makeup artist, or to review on your beauty blog, the first step to decide which companies you want to contact. There are literally hundreds of companies across the world that could potentially send you samples, so don't feel limited.

I have written to about 15 companies and I volition mention the ones that sent me free samples (and the ones that didn't!). Since many companies simply won't answer at all, make sure you have a few on your listing so you become some results!

For inspiration, take a look at some cosmetics or personal intendance products in your home. Some companies I recommend writing to are:

  • Carmex: Known to send samples in the U.South.
  • Burt's Bees: May send samples in the U.S.
  • DermOrganic: Sends lots of samples.
  • REN: Sends samples.
  • Juara: Sends samples sometimes.
  • Many of the brands featured in the photos here ship samples!

2. Detect the Accost

Once y'all accept an thought of the companies you would like to contact, it is time to search for the addresses. The best fashion to do so is to visit the visitor website. Expect for a "Contact Us" or "Help" or "About Us" link at the superlative or bottom of the homepage. That's normally where you'll find all the details you demand.

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Some companies may just provide an email address. Others may provide postal mailing addresses, and all the same, others require you to fill out a form to contact customer service. Whatsoever of these methods tin work.

Make certain to choose the correct email address. Some companies have different emails for technical support and other departments. Expect for "customer service," "media relations," or "public relations."

3. What to Write in a Alphabetic character

The about important part of this procedure is to write an splendid alphabetic character. Y'all desire to brand the company think, "Wow, this is a actually loyal client!" or "We could go some astonishing publicity from this blogger!" It sounds difficult, but here are some ideas to get you lot started writing a professional and convincing letter or email.

Note: I believe in giving compliments to the company. Only after that do I ask for free samples. This method works a lot better than the complaint road (unless you lot have a legit complaint and proof of purchase).

  1. Dearest Sir/Madam,: A polite and formal greeting works best.
  2. Introduction: Say that you are writing to tell them what a great range of products they accept. Requite many compliments about their visitor, from how their products always work wonders on your peel to how their products evangelize each time. If their cleanser or eye shadow is your favorite, now is your chance to tell them what you think. They really do value our (the consumers) opinions.
  3. Personal Experience: Include an experience that you had with their cosmetics. It could be how glossy your hair is afterwards using their shampoo or how their peel cream cleared up the dry out skin on your hand. This adds more credibility and personality to the letter.
  4. Ask for Samples: Practise not inquire bluntly. This information technology does not piece of work. Mention that your barber recommended their shampoo range or that yous want to "try earlier you buy" and see which 1 works all-time on you.
  5. Skin or Pilus Type: Some companies will need to know your skin type/condition and then they know which samples to transport. If you have sensitive skin, be sure to mention this.
  6. Your Address: Don't forget this!
  7. Gratitude: Say thank you for taking the time to read your letter of the alphabet and that you would exist so grateful if they send you samples. Say that you are looking forwards to their response.
  8. Sign off: "Yours faithfully," "Kind Regards," or "Best Wishes."

A Sample Email or Online Course Message

Here is a sample email to a fictional skincare company. You can use this template for whatsoever personal intendance company you write to or to make full out an online request form.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a dedicated fan of your visitor because I love the way that you combine such pure techniques with science to create wonderful skincare products! I absolutely adore your products because they always evangelize what I need, whether it is to give my skin more vitality or to cleanse. Each product e'er delivers, I value your feel in creating such stunning products each and every time.

A friend recently recommended that I endeavor out some of your bathroom and skincare products. I would love to try some products out before I buy, to see which piece of work best on me and which I love using.

Could you please send me some samples from your skincare or bath production ranges? I would be then grateful if you could. I would exist very happy with any samples at all. My address is ___ Cheers! I am looking forward to trying them out!

Yours faithfully,

Your name

Requesting Free Makeup From Stores

Your favorite cosmetics store may also exist a source of gratuitous samples. Allow the employees know how much you enjoy their products! Compliments and positive feedback become a long way to convincing people to be generous!

Why Do Companies Send Samples?

Virtually blogs and websites have reported that they have received the most gratis samples from cosmetics and makeup companies. Why is this?

  1. Manufacturing samples and fifty-fifty full-sized cosmetics are relatively cheap for the visitor, so they tin easily afford to transport samples to those that ask.
  2. Yous may want to effort out the latest product of theirs, just ask for a sample to "endeavour before you buy." If you like the sample, chances are you will probably purchase the product subsequently and even recommend it to family unit and friends. This is what the company is banking on.
  3. Corrective companies mostly include samples of their latest products when you club online and buy some items. These samples are stocked and ready to be shipped if someone writes asking to try out a couple of their products.
  4. Companies send PR packages to artists and bloggers when there is a new season launch. They want people to know most new products. They may besides be holding a blogging result for artists and bloggers who review products. This is a key way for companies to promote their goods.

If you e'er try writing to companies for free stuff, I would recommend writing to cosmetics/personal care companies because they are the almost likely to send samples.

Makeup artists and bloggers who review products can receive generous PR packages from companies, particularly when there is a new line launched.

Makeup artists and bloggers who review products can receive generous PR packages from companies, particularly when at that place is a new line launched.

What to Write if You Want a PR Packet

If you are a beauty blogger, makeup reviewer, or makeup creative person looking for free samples, you will get better results from companies if you convince them that you're probable to send more business their way.

Hither are some tips to getting a gratuitous PR package in the mail:

  1. Establish your credibility past including the URL of your site, business, or YouTube channel, if you have ane.
  2. Inquire or detect out whether the company is launching a new line of products. They volition exist more than likely to transport samples if they are trying to spread the give-and-take about new items.
  3. Inquire about any blogger events the company is holding or participating in. Makeup bloggers and artists unremarkably receive complimentary samples at these events.
  4. Ask them about what they crave for "credits." This is when a mag reviews a product and mentions it past proper name. Some companies are particular about where they are credited. This question will boost your brownie and may get you lot more than samples.
  5. If you lot accept done makeup at an event, contact the makeup manufacturer and include event images. Ask them whether you can thank them for providing the makeup (another fashion of asking them to send you more!).

Since I've been asked for more tips on getting PR packages, I've besides written an extensive commodity which contains more in-depth advice on how to maximize your chances of getting a PR package from a beauty visitor.

Most companies will send free samples, but not all, so be sure to contact several companies.

Most companies will send costless samples, but not all, so exist sure to contact several companies.

Phrases to Include

If yous are feeling a piffling stuck on what to write, here are some phrases you can utilize. Y'all tin can modify this language by filling in the blanks or changing the words to match your style and co-ordinate to the product you are talking nigh.


  • I am writing to say how much I adore your skincare/makeup products.
  • I believe that ___ creates the finest hair/peel products in the world.
  • I am such a fan of your company!
  • It is prissy to know that your products will e'er deliver every fourth dimension.
  • My personal favourite is the ___. It'south my savior! Thanks to this amazing product, my skin glows and so radiantly!
  • I like the way that your company combines natural botanicals with scientific discipline to create a truly powerful yet organic and natural product.

Personal Feel

  • My friends and family always say how soft my hair is when I use your shampoo!
  • My peel is usually ho-hum and dry, but after using your cleanser it regains its youthful self!
  • I employ ___ every twenty-four hours. Without it, I could not survive!

Asking for Samples

  • My hairdresser recently recommended that I should try out your shampoo range because information technology works most effectively with my hair type. I would love to endeavor some of the hair products in your range before I buy. Thank yous!
  • I would love to sample some of your other products.
  • I would like to attempt out some of your products only to run into which piece of work all-time on my skin/hair.

iv. Transport it Off!

The final stride is to ship your letter of the alphabet or e-mail to the company of your choice. Make sure to transport information technology to the right address and department. Emails or letters that are sent to the wrong department in customer service are more likely to be discarded than forwarded to the relevant department.

What to Expect

You will likely have to wait for a couple of days for a response via email and some other 2 weeks for your samples to exist posted. Sometimes information technology can accept upward to ii months for whatever response at all, and then be patient. I commonly requite up after a week, merely information technology really varies depending upon the company.

The majority of companies transport complimentary samples, since beauty and personal care have the most samples to requite away. A positive and well-written letter is the key to success. For an approximate number, I would say that one in two beauty cosmetics volition transport samples. Perfume companies commonly ever send samples.

My Experiment

Just to show and prove that this method actually works, I followed in the footsteps of the $39 Experiment and wrote to a few companies. I volition showcase my results.

  • DermOrganic: Talk virtually fantastic customer service! I wrote an email to them and after ii hours, they replied immediately and said they would transport samples. They were also pretty happy well-nigh my compliments too. A few days later, I received samples from them including products from their haircare range and skincare range plus a coupon. Nice!

Results List

Company Response What They Sent



Two sample boxes including their hair care range and skin care range worth $12. I also received a coupon too for 25% off my next purchase.






Cleansing and moisturizing creams plus a facial mask.

I hope that you lot enjoyed reading this guide and that it will encourage you to try it too. Just try for yourself and see what results you lot can reap.

I capeesh any comments or questions! Thanks for reading!

Questions & Answers

Question: Can I receive the makeup samples if I'm not a dazzler blogger?

Answer: Information technology depends on the nature of the visitor's free sample policy. I've seen that smaller, local companies tend to give out more free samples to people who aren't social media influencers or beauty bloggers. International companies often refuse to transport out free samples and will simply do so if y'all have a certain amount of followers, etc., It just entirely depends on the company, I guess, and I'll be writing some more articles about this in the hereafter, so keep an middle out for those.

Question: Could you all the same get free beauty samples fifty-fifty if you have a beauty folio on Instagram?

Respond: Yes, definitely! In fact, companies love to negotiate and build working relationships with Instagrammers, since y'all'll help promote their products and increase sales for them. Make sure to mention the fact you're an Instagrammer. I have some more tips in some other article I wrote:

Make certain to check it out before you lot contact the company, every bit it gives some more tips and tricks you can use to make sure your email showcases your flair as an Instagrammer/beauty blogger at its best.

Question: How exercise I get famous enough to be able to ask the makeup companies for free samples?

Answer: I wrote some other article which details the process of starting a blog and content schedule that'll get you noticed past beauty companies. This is great if y'all desire to start reviewing makeup and cosmetics, merely aren't really sure what exactly is required.

Question: What should the subject line for free makeup samples read when I accept my email fix to send?

Answer: Yous could try any of the following: "Compliments to [Visitor]": This shows them that you've zip but good words about the makeup they created. Or else, you tin try "Feedback on [a product" or something along those lines.

Question: Will companies send PR packages to countries exterior of America?

Respond: Yes, of course! Beauty companies don't intendance where you alive, as long equally you've got followers online who read your reviews and tin can purchase from the dazzler visitor online. In fact, they love to send to social media influencers and beauty bloggers from around the world, considering it'll expand the company'due south accomplish to new audiences and new countries.

Question: Do these free makeup sample tips really piece of work?

Reply: It completely depends on what companies you target, and the amount of "free samples" they have on offer, but for me, it's just been a luck game. For improved chances, make sure you don't just copy and paste the above letters, you lot need to make your letter as authentic as possible. If y'all neglect to do that, then the company might not send you free samples for that sole reason, they'll know y'all copied information technology from somewhere.

While there are no guarantees whatsoever that this method of gaining complimentary samples works, it has worked for me in the by, so I wish yous all the best with your endeavours. If you've whatsoever other questions, experience free to inquire! :)

Question: Can I get free makeup samples from a company based in another country?

Answer: Aye, definitely! In fact, companies love hearing from overseas purchasers and users of their products. For instance, I'thousand from Europe, merely I've written to many companies before that are based in the US, and they've sent me free samples.

Question: How do yous get a hold of these types of emails?

Answer: Merely go to the "Contact United states" department of the visitor's website, and y'all'll notice all the relevant emails there. Some companies will accept PR emails, which you tin can contact if yous're a social media influencer, so regular client careline emails for not-media related queries.

Question: Would I be more than likely to receive makeup samples and PR packages from makeup companies if I have a growing number of followers on my Instagram business relationship?

Reply: It depends on the number of followers you have at that moment, equally well as how engaged they are with your page. For example, if you accept thousands of followers, but they interact very piddling with your photos, then companies might see that your audience isn't engaged with the products that you're using or advertising. All the same, even if yous had fewer followers, as long as they are very active, companies would see that high engagement and would value information technology a lot more.

Question: What smaller companies would exist best to "target" for some free samples?

Answer: Commonly smaller companies in your local surface area would be great to target, since they're just starting out and would beloved to build a grouping of passionate fans and/or future customers. So by sending out a few minor samples to customers who desire to attempt out their products or modest social media influencers can ordinarily be a great marketing strategy for the company.

Google some small local beauty companies near your area, and you should send them an electronic mail.

© 2014 Susan Westward

Arwa on July 27, 2020:

Hi i have a youtube aqueduct on which i create middle looks and i want some eyeshadeaw pr packegessssss

Zehra on July fourteen, 2020:

your sport products my YouTube channel Or packages for review

Zehra on July 13, 2020:

Send me pR packages my youtube chennal review

Kyla Lor on June 08, 2020:

I'g doing this to my showtime video ❣️

Toshika on May 21, 2020:

What if I'm just doing this to become samples for my startup videos!?

Umaima on May 20, 2020:

It is so helpful.. thankyou for sharing this with us ❤

Nitya sachdeva on May xv, 2020:

Hii I dont accept any youtube channel simply I want to go makeup artist so plz tin u give some sames plz....

Syedzaidi on May 10, 2020:

Can you give me pr box I love makeup and tin you give me a samples please please please

Ghadeer Aqeel on March 27, 2020:


Do you have to put your address? on March 17, 2020:

I'm not sure but I would dearest to know!

Sayee patil on March 09, 2020:

Really I accept started my YouTube only there no views and followers coming and then what tin can assistance me

Kendra Lozano on Feb 07, 2020:

Thank y'all and then much for writing this piece! Really helpful!

Rooz on November 27, 2019:

Hi I am Rooz here ! So I wanna start a website where in I review products but ya it wudnt be showcasing the products on myself , it will simply be a general written review . Volition companies all the same ship me PR packages ? so once more will they be sending me any PR packages ?

Naazmeen on November 21, 2019:

Hi I am Naazmeen here ! So I wanna start a website where in I review products but ya it wudnt exist showcasing the products on myself , information technology will merely be a general written review . Volition companies withal send me PR packages ? Btw I stay in Republic of india then again will they be sending me any PR packages ?

saniya tabassum on November 21, 2019:

How-do-you-do im saniya i would love to do this simply I discover it very hard tin can you please help me I'm highly interested information technology is very hard for me to get makeup easy and this would be dandy

Anne on November 19, 2019:

Dear Sir/Madam, I am a dedicated fan of your company because I love the way that yous combine such pure techniques with science to create wonderful skincare products! I absolutely admire your products considering they always evangelize what I need, whether it is to give my skin more than vitality or to cleanse. I would love to attempt some products out before I buy, to encounter which work best on me and which I dearest using. Could you please send me some samples from your makeup or skincare products ranges? I would be then grateful if y'all could. I would be very happy with whatever samples at all. My address is 47C Stephens road LE2 1GH Leicester United Kingdom Thank you! I am looking forward to trying them out! Yours faithfully,

Aela Aura on November 10, 2019:

I normally practise not article of clothing makeup, but I really want to and dont know what to get where and how.... There normally is a lot of product on display and is overwhelmed.

This was insightful and very helpful, I'll surely give this a try.


Chanel Flores on November 01, 2019:

Am i going to wait gratuitous samples? or i'll pay for some tiny taxation?

rimxkblog on October 28, 2019:

Its amazing i am going to send mail one of my favorite Brand on October 23, 2019:

id beloved to go all make upwards and beauty samples any susgestions?

Luz Santacruz on Oct 17, 2019:

How do I go famous enough to receive or be on PR lists

Salena Gomez on October 17, 2019:

I actually demand more makup(free makeup)

leticia on September 16, 2019:

are pr packages free?

theskincare on September 07, 2019:

the pare care production in pakistan information technology is a very resonable price .it will exist okay for every person ,because its a natural product.

nikita on September 04, 2019:

Did PR packages take shipping charges

Jessie Harper on July 08, 2019:

Personally i find that freebie sites are astonishing for makeup samples. For example, simply search Sampables for makeup ( and yous volition find all sorts of free makeup and beauty samples

Ashley Hatcher on June 15, 2019:

Hello there, I just wanted to say give thanks for creating a huge incredible way to reach out to those whose dreams are to one twenty-four hours become a beauty guru. Without your help of putting people on the PR listing they couldn't achieve to reach their marvelous dreams. Information technology's beautiful gift to give back to watch y'all brand dreams come true for anybody. Dearest your company and community is very diverse. I would like to mention i myself instead would love to give dorsum to Animal, Homeless, to Carmine Cross shelters or other Shelters, Foundations, St. Jude's Hospital and Research Cures for unknown diseases. My dream is to live my gift of doing makeup but in a proficient deed for others. With the coin i raise with doing makeup for any event commencement off half face up glam $10 dollars/ total glam $15 dollars affordable prices it all goes towards to the Animal, Homeless Shelters or other Shelters, Foundation, St. Jude'due south Infirmary and Research Cures for any unknown disease! I am so grateful if yous could aid the dream mine of helping others. I am only starting off with picayune struggles of makeup right now but i manage through it with stiff faith which truly would be a purely honored approval of making on the PR listing, thanks then much!

Janet Nino on June 10, 2019:

How-do-you-do there hope you guys are doing proficient I wanted to ask if I can become some stuff to attempt I'm a unmarried mother of half-dozen and take always been working and have no time to become to store and pick a good foundation and any makeup that will fit my tone. If you tin delight assistance me out I really appreciate it, and thank you in advanced.

Jasmin Gutierrez on June 08, 2019:

Hey Iam a single female parent of 4 and i on the fashion and my dream is to do brand up and I love trying new things and was wondering if I could go some of u guys samples to endeavor on people and my self and kickoff from there with my makeup I would highly be grateful for ur help to start off with u guys is help

Kirstine Dagatan on June 05, 2019:

Practiced Mean solar day to y'all all. I am Kirstine from Philippines. I just want to accept a free sample products that I can used. I read and watch in tv and cyberspace about people talking FREE SAMPLE PRODUCTS.

Hollie Fagan on May 22, 2019:

4 always had a dream to be a beauty guru well something to do with makeup and making that as a full time job would be a dream come truthful but most of these make upwards brands are to much coin to spend in one case yous run out of it but I simply wish I could go the samples of the makeup

If anyone knows how you lot can get them please let me no

thank you in advance

Sofia rehan on May 19, 2019:

I like it merely I am not a dazzler blogger plus not on social media and then tin I get them ??

Yousra on May 15, 2019:

İ like the production of benefit brows

Tarshinina Jackson on May 10, 2019:

I would love to try makeup samples from NARS smash box sephora Huda beauty and urban disuse and then I can let people know the big rave almost these products proper noun brand is true.

Elise Regalado on May 09, 2019:

Just got a my pr boxes from ulta Sephora and revolt and so thanks

Esperanca on May 05, 2019:

Thanks for this. I am trying out makeup and the range of the products i want to use is tol expensive. This volition help me alot

Thank you

Brittany on April 26, 2019:

I really want to get into doing makeup and would love to try out your products! I will also annunciate any product given to me!

Emma on Apr 09, 2019:

Can u guys please send me the james charles pallet and morphe please

Tammy Ball on March 29, 2019:

I'm a makeup fanatic my friends come to me for all kinds of stuff and advise .I would Really love to endeavor

Azra on March 27, 2019:

I wish y'all please wish you costless make upwards i love make upwards wish you lot ship me free make up see my annotate

Deanna Carter on March 26, 2019:

I would love to to effort your new makeup samples and let you know what I think of them and enquire my friends about information technology

Bu meh on March fifteen, 2019:

Hullo super excited to practise this!! I love makeup

Salissa on March 15, 2019:

I'm super excited to do this!! I admittedly Love makeup along with skincare, and fragrances. I can't await to send out some emails and run into what the issue will exist

Cutie-1970 on March 14, 2019:

Cheers for all of your great tips and advice. I plan on trying some of your ideas out. Once again cheers.

KATHERINE AYES on March 11, 2019:

I wish I wish please wish you send me costless makeup wish y'all run across my comment and then you can transport me free makeup

ruby rodriguez on March 03, 2019:

wish you send me free makeup wish you run across my comment so you lot can send me costless makeup

Serena on February 26, 2019:

Make upwardly

Emma on January 29, 2019:

Cheers y'all for all the great advice! :)

Taleeta simmonds on January xx, 2019:

Good morning my name is already stated higher up.i would love to be a make upward artist an i dont truly have any of the product to outset from..and then i would be happy to get samples from y'all to use i would be and so greatful .thanks in advance

Adza Joan Navarre on Jan 10, 2019:

How hypoallergenic is in makeup when you're allergic to everything I demand to know I can't try thank yous

vrsu on January 04, 2019:

honestly i didnt know is this method is work or not for everybody. i personally think it is depends on your intentions. afterwards reading this manufactures i have contacting dior via email for some makeup samples that i interested for. aye dior reply my email and requite i telephone number, person to contact and accost to send my request via letter. it is truthful it have about a month for reply. i almost forget that i had contacting dior early.

P/S: what i wrote to dior is not with intention to become free stuff or abuse the privillage. fyi. i am frequent dior user.

Jennifer Yard. on December xviii, 2018:

Cracking article and helpful insight. Give thanks you.

Carmen morales on November 27, 2018:

I have a youtube channel can I get free makeup to review

Jennifer on Nov 12, 2018:

Can you ship make upwardly samples and then I tin exam it before buying more brand upwards from certain brands.

Thanks for taking time to read my comment.

Emily on November xi, 2018:

Would y'all still be able to get pr packages from makeup companies if you arent an influencer?

Jeana Ross on Nov 09, 2018:

Thanks then much for your amazing advice and pointers to gain some swell products. I couldn't be more than pleased with how you broke it down in elementary terms so that everybody could understand what to practise. God bless yous

myfaayda on November 05, 2018:

swell mail service! i recommended y'all to check out and freekaamall like like sites for best gratis stuff in india and online offers as well....this will help!

Marela Czyrille Cercenia on October 28, 2018:

I want one plss on October 20, 2018:

Hi beloved Susa

I like your post i found very helpfull, and give thanks you lot for sharing this expirience with united states (your friends, followers). I wanted to enquire you, if you know ofcourse, that if a company from another country can send to another country free sample?

I hope youll see my comment here.

I volition expect your answer

With respect Dorothy.

aicha habila on October 17, 2018:

I like your products and security to exist used and informed people of the results of their utilize

Meghan on September 25, 2018:

Wow, practice y'all all actually believe that she is going to help you get free samples based off of leaving a comment?!?

Sarah on September 25, 2018:

What companies sent yous PR packages?

Saray Mustafa on September 22, 2018:

Gratuitous your sure?

lauren on September 13, 2018:

im interested in doing this as im going to make a youtube channel

Shagufta Faiz Khan on September 08, 2018:

I'm interested information technology'due south totally fantastic

Maritza on September 05, 2018:

I would love to receive complimentary products

Dljdddv p on August 30, 2018:

How practise I attain them

Yzvonne Gore on August 27, 2018:

Dearest expermenting and Free


That is like gold

daisy on August 25, 2018:

How-do-you-do would dear to try your products to see how information technology works out. thank u product.

Nina on August 15, 2018:

Can you tell me another Companies which also send skin care products?

Katherine Fifield on August 07, 2018:

Hi. I would similar some free makeup samples to endeavour them out to come across if I like them so I can buy them. Give thanks yous!

Cherrese Ralston on August 05, 2018:

Tin can u guys pleass give me a pr box please

Dezz on July 30, 2018:

I would like to go some makeup samples to try them out to buy new makeup i volition promet them on my instagram

rose vieira on July 26, 2018:

hi i would dearest to do pr for all and willing makeup companies that are looking for new faces i am really egar to try new hing so plz concerer me thank you

Areana on July 21, 2018:

Hello, I would like to see if I can become free makeup samples. In demand and wanting to try new stuff give thanks you for your fourth dimension please go back to my bulletin

Laika on July xviii, 2018:

Hi. What does PR in PR package ways?

Angelina on July 16, 2018:

I would like to get samples

Priyanka Das on July 16, 2018:

I desire sample fast i employ so i oder full products becoz i take sensitive pare i dnt accept any risk thats why....

Fin from Barstow on July 13, 2018:

Wow....a pretty skilful article. I'm not interested in cosmetics personally, although there are some male person hygine products I could apply your techniques too.

I was surprised to actually come across you suggested writing a letter and beginning with a salutation such as Love Sir or Madam: considering I idea all manners went out the door at the turn of the century.

I think it's prissy to have that kind of personal contact and I miss that our our modern mean solar day world.

I'd like to know if you have suggestions for food, or other products that can be used by everyone.


Hareena on July 07, 2018:

I want one

raiza abdul latheef on June 21, 2018:

what should i write in subject column?

Alexandra on June xx, 2018:

I sent a lot of mails no one sent samples

Gracechye on June 12, 2018:

Hi tin I ask how to I become makeup samples

Susan W (author) from The British Isles, Europe on May 28, 2018:

Thank you so much for reading! :D I completely agree with you lot there -- newer companies would be very willing to send out free samples, since edifice up a fanbase and gaining exposure online would certainly be of import and fifty-fifty essential to starting companies. Yep, bang-up social media profiles with enough of active followers, lots of fantastic content, and enthusiasm are a must.

Allow me know how y'all get on, and thanks again!

lpaul on May 17, 2018:

Thanks for posting! And so amazing! I think it depends on the visitor, most likely the bigger ones go requests all the time, so they may not be every bit responsive. Newer ones, like I dont know... Mia Adora ( would probably exist more willing to give out samples. I call back its important to have a peachy social media profile, that has high quality photos will really help. It'due south kind of similar your "resume". Brands like anyone else want a win-win situation.

Samantha on May 16, 2018:

I am just wondering how do you lot set upwardly to promote other companies and get free makeup ect ?

Skyler on May 16, 2018:

Hi, I am litterally obsessed with beauty things anything that is for your neck and up. I honey perfume (Dominate) And i honey taking good care of my skin I get lots of breakouts and so I tend to utilise some cream I don't fifty-fifty know the name of it doesn't really work all that well simply I've really been wanting to endeavour dermorganic I herd that their products work really well.

Alicia J Nelson on April 11, 2018:

Good afternoon,

My name is Alicia Joanne Nelson, I am an Information technology HelpDesk Banana at the Agronomical Development Banking concern (ADB), a part-fourth dimension home business owner and a youtuber. For this year, I have started my YouTube Channel, Alicia Nelson Channel. It was a means to annunciate what I exercise and to connect with thousands of people all over the world. While doing my enquiry, I have come beyond your visitor and realized that that your visitor collaborated with Youtube to help promote your products on Youtube.

I would like to kindly if I tin do a review on i of your product. I promised to give a fair review by pointing out the adept and the bad.

I have attached a link below with a video I have done on Youtube:

Besides run across the link for my channel below also:

https://world wide

The proper noun of my channel is Alicia Nelson Channel.

My channel has over 1800 plus (+) reviews and 27 subscribers. This will become my viewers to know more about your products which will influence them into buying your products. After the review I volition return the product.

Cheers again for your usual co-functioning and I do hope to hear from you soon.

Deborah on April 10, 2018:

I would similar sign up for free samples of makeup. Skin care..

Thanks DT

Rachael on April 05, 2018:

I would love to promote some products on my instergram and as well YouTube how could I get started ?

kaitlyn on March 29, 2018:

every bit a dazzler professional and an employee at mac, i am truly sorry only this will not work! any emails that land that they want free makeup or along the lines of that, get put into junk post. this is merely considering you are asking for free, undeserved makeup. practise non try this as it will waste yours and ours time.

Aa002222111133344 on March 28, 2018:

How do i get-go to receive free samples

Fed Up on March 07, 2018:

As someone who works in customer service for a make up company, I can tell you THESE TEMPLATES DO NOT Piece of work. Any emails we receive using this template or request for undeserved free things automatically become junked. Stop wasting your and our fourth dimension

Daisy on March 02, 2018:

Hullo I'grand a dazzler gru . I have a YouTube channel &' also instagram and Facebook.

I would exist interested in receiving gratuitous make up to promote them. How do I showtime ?

Carmen morales on February 28, 2018:

Just would like costless makeup to review to my YouTube aqueduct..

yinm on February 06, 2018:

Hi how to i go the samples

Fatima on February 06, 2018:

This was amazing beautifully written and explained .cheers !

Mumtazbegum on February 03, 2018:

Delight send me products for review in india ..

Jazzmen Fob on February 02, 2018:

Thank you so much for the communication! I take been a dazzler guru for years. Nevertheless information technology was always for fun. I am new to the professional person world of beauty. I am most curious nearly costless samples and sponsorships. This will exist almost helpful.

Shannon reid on January 17, 2018:

Nice to become to review for companies as I practise for a lot of dissimilar companies


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